We make sharing your aircard connection simpler than ever! Whether your goal is creating in-car internet, access at tradeshows, or just a home network when you live off the beaten path, our LTE and 5G routers can help you accomplish it. Coupled with your cellular modem (aircard) or cellphone, you can create your own hotspot wherever you may be. Whether you are using AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon etc. we have a solution for you. Also check out the 'Gateway' devices, just insert a data provisioned SIM and surf. We handle products from Cradlepoint, Nexaira, Option, and Top Global.
WiFi Routers

Cradlepoint IBR900 with 1200MB modem w/5 year NetCloud and wifi

Cradlepoint IBR900 with 600MB modem w 1 year NetCloud and wifi

Cradlepoint S700 Semi-Ruggedized Wi-Fi router w/3year NetCloud & Accessories
Max: 500

Cradlepoint S700 Semi-Ruggedized Wi-Fi router w/3year NetCloud NO Accessories
Max: 500

Cradlepoint R1900 5G and LTE Mobile device with NetCloud

Cradlepoint S400 Semi-Ruggedized Router for IOT (by Ericsson) w/3yr NetCloud

Cradlepoint IBR200 router with3-yr NetCloud IoT Essentials Plan Verizon

Cradlepoint IBR200 router with3-yr NetCloud IoT Essentials Plan AT&T

E3000 router with WiFi (5G modem) 1-yr NetCloud Essentials
Leslie C Says: “Your customer service rocks! I was completely ticked off after talking to Sprint Advanced Technical Support and the lady on the other end telling me their USB modems are not supported for accessing the internet with a router. We were in the process of canceling the wireless service with Sprint when I called your customer support person. Thankfully they were answering calls at 10:30 pm mountain time. The gentleman, after directing me to the router setup page, informed me the new firmware had not been loaded on the router. He also instructed me on how to download and install the new firmware. I was up and running within 5 minutes. What do those Sprint Advanced Technical Support people know? Obviously nothing. Thank you again for all your help.”
Greg (Canada) Says: “Fast shipping great price excellent product thanks.”
TNM Says: “I was shocked that a somebody actually answered my call on a weekend, I was just going to leave an angry message I was so frustrated! Thanks for your assistance with my technical issue, which turned out to be user error after all! The Cradlepoint has been running now for 10 days flawlessly. I appreciate your patience with technically challenged little ole me!”
Terry Says: “I ordered on the 4th of July holiday from WirelessNWifi and received the router on Monday the 7th. The router is everything expected and has many more features that future proof the unit. Plug and play setup is a cinch and the advanced settings (if wanted or needed) are easy to understand and apply. Best purchase this year!!!”
Maya Says: “Hi... I just wanted to let you know that I an VERY happy with this entire transaction (for the CradlePoint router). Your shipping couldnt have been faster, and you couldnt have made it easier to do the rebate. The extra invoice stapled to the rebate form was going above and beyond, and I appriciate it. Thanks!”
Scott R Says: “WOW!!! Orderd saturday morning, and was delivered monday. Perfect, Thanks!”